5 Important Things You Need To Know About Kashmoney Theforce And “Theforce Concert”

Few months ago during the official Press Conference hosted by The Empire Dreamin Records boss Kashmoney TheForce, dude mentioned a few things that caught my attention deeply.

1st, he explained how he was pressurized by many to relocate to Lagos and build his musical career from there after he returned from China. He declined every request cuz he wants to break the barrier and show the world he could make it from home without balling out.

2ndly, knowing fully well it would be hard and almostly impossible to impact and touch lives of the people (directly) in the city that cared for him, he decided to stay close to watch over the people and build his fan base from home.

3rdly, he practically made it clear that he came into the industry for two things; Business and Entertainment aka Showbiz. He believes that the music industry is an open business ground to harness and entertainment clients while selling your products.

4th, he is here to expand his empire that will not only carry people (young artists) along musically but also create other job opportunities that will benefit youths in different fields of skills.

Although he has already employed a few currently working with the EDR brand. Now this is a man that has the love of the city and her people in heart.

5th, finally THEFORCE CONCERT will be an official introduction of the EDR brand into the world of Port Harcourt entertainment industry. Every potential artist has the opportunity to gain massively through this event holding on the 10th of December, 2021.

See graphics below for more details


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